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Algunos blogs de fotografía para visitar

Amateur Photographer
Features news, camera and lens reviews, equipment guides, photography courses, galleries, competitions, forums.
Fine-art photography magazine featuring the work of the world's most important photographers plus articles by art scholars, critics and writers.
Apogee Photo
Magazine designed to entertain and inform active photographers of all ages, both amateur and professional.
British Journal of Photography
Includes pics, reviews, weekly news, competitions etc.
Camera Obscura
Online photography magazine with news, articles and tutorials.
Magazine covering the art and craft of fine art photography including digital, nature, portraiture and landscape. Photographer portfolios, interviews and opinions.
Digital Journalist
Multimedia magazine featuring commentaries, editorials, and displaying high quality examples of still and video photojournalism.
Online magazine with news, reviews and techniques as well as a large community forum, competitions and gallery.
Magazine of photojournalism featuring photo stories by freelancers and agency photographers covering topical issues worldwide.
lens culture
Magazine featuring the work of photographers from all continents and various points of view: documentary, fine art, photojournalism, poetic, abstract, and street photography.
Interactive photo essays and real stories on various of subjects.
Nature Photographers
Online magazine dedicated to the art and technique of nature, wildlife and landscape photography.
Outdoor Photographer
Magazine for nature, wildlife, sports, landscape, and travel photography enthusiasts. Features advice, evaluations of the latest equipment, and portfolios.
Photo District News
Covers breaking news stories and delivers in-depth features on the photo industry. Also includes gallery, classifieds, contests, and a directory.
Photo Guide Japan
Find showcases, bios of photographers, book reviews, information on Japanese photoraphy history, photo essays, and more.
Photo Techniques
Photography magazine covering tips and techniques on darkroom, digital and black & white photography.
Photography Monthly
Features news, techniques, product reviews, where to shoot, readers' pictures.
Magazine includes features about foremost photographers and their work, industry trends, special locations to photograph, industry news, technical features and new product reports.
Online home of American Photo and Popular Photography and Imaging magazines. Showcases digital camera reviews and film lens tests, photo software, contests, SLR tutorials and forums.
Professional Photographer
Contains practical lessons in the artistic, business, and technological aspects of professional photography.
Leading photo and imaging magazine for expert and professional photographers. Reports on the latest products, technologies and techniques for both traditional and digital photographers.
Magazine showcases selected photography from the African continent. Each issue includes essays, portfolios, interview, profiles, and technology reviews.
Travel Photographers
Online magazine dedicated to the art and technique of travel photography.
Underwater Photography
Includes camera equipment reviews, tips and techniques for digital underwater photography, and photo-friendly dive destination reports.
View Camera
Selected articles from journal of large-format photography.
Zone Zero
Online photography magazine with articles, portfolios and a forum. 

The Premire Magazine For Collecting Fine Art Photography

Gallery Of Erotic Photography

Entradas populares de este blog

El pájaro solitario - San Juan de la Cruz

Las condiciones del pájaro solitario son cinco. La primera, que se va a lo más alto; la segunda, que no sufre compañía, aunque sea de su naturaleza; la tercera, que pone el pico al aire; la cuarta, que no tiene determinado color; la quinta, que canta suavemente. Foto: Boris Smokrovic San Juan de la Cruz Doctor mysticus | Religioso y poeta místico del renacimiento español. Fue reformador de la Orden de Nuestra Señora del Monte Carmelo y cofundador de la Orden de los Carmelitas Descalzos con Santa Teresa de Jesús. Desde 1952 es el patrono de los poetas en lengua española. | Wikipedia

Shem 1 de 72 · Vav Hei Vav (Viaje en el tiempo) · Véhuiah: 21 al 25 de marzo

Nombre/Shem número Uno (1). Es la Voluntad Suprema (Keter) expresándose como Sabiduría (Jojmá). Tecnología: Viaje en el tiempo Letras: Vav Hei Vav Valor numérico: 17 Poder: El Pensamiento de la Creación, el pensamiento divino. Dones: Protección (maguen/escudo), iluminación (mi gloria, es decir, la visión del Kavod, mi alma divina, como la luz de Keter sobre mi cabeza) y realización (el que levanta mi cabeza, es decir, me vuelve a mi estado deiforme original).   

Oraciones para el Ángel Elemiah · Shem 4

Pedir ayuda para la armonía espiritual Ángel Elemiah, te saludo con amor y gratitud. Llamo tu presencia para que me ayudes en mi intención firme de abrir espacio en mi vida para la Luz Espiritual y de eliminar los pensamientos negativos hacia mí y hacia otros. Que mis pensamientos negativos sean sustituidos por el amor incondicional del Creador de Todo lo Que Es. Que la Luz de mi Alma resplandezca y se extienda sobre mi ego y lo cubra de amor incondicional y paz. Bendice mi negocio y mis proyectos laborales con tu Luz de lo acertado y la verdad. Así es y hecho está. Gracias, gracias, gracias. ··· Pedir compañía y protección a tu ángel guardián Elemiah Mi amado ángel protector Elemiah, que ocultas el rostro en el engranaje de los negocios humanos: si tu dedo poderoso me ha designado a mi para moldear tu barro, protégeme ayúdame, no permitas que en ese juego me envilezca. Si debo vivir toda mi vida sin descubrir la eterna fuente de la luz, sigue mis pasos, Elemiah; no dejes qu